Klaus Hargreeves. Number Four. The Seance.

Whatever you know him as there is one thing we can all agree on - he truly has a unique style and we at Team Mouse LOVE it.
The great thing about taking inspiration from someone or something is that you can make it your own. It doesn't have to be exactly the same. With that in mind, we've had a rummage through the warehouse and picked out some bits we thought were up Klaus' alley.
Grab your pink feather boa because we're about to channel some Classic Klaus.
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No spoilers for this next inspo, all I'll say is poor Klaus 😭 Here are some items we thought would suit Vietnam Klaus.
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Cult Leader Klaus. Now this is the style you can really throw whatever you want at it. From Western shirts to oversized sunnies to boho style. Though I doubt we'd wear the shirt with the jacket at the same time!
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What do you think? How would you do your own unique Klaus inspired style? Let us know in the comments below ⬇️
Stay Safe ❤️ Elise, Team Mouse
Showing items 1-2 of 2.