1. D U N G A R E E S
Want to carry on rocking your dungas through autumn and winter but don't want to get cold? Easy peasy, pair them with a snazzy jumper underneath. Warm, cosy and dunga-tastic! Also works with a pinafore. Here are some we think would look fab with dungas or pinafores:
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2. C O S Y, C O M F O R T A B L E & W A R M
Lets be honest, there are two things we all want this time of year - to be cosy and warm. Jumpers are perfect for that. They're flexible and easy to pop on. Like this super soft grey beaded jumper or this cosy lilac piece from the eighties. Now you've got your cosy jumper treat yourself to a cinnamon stick candle!
3. B O O T S
Probably my strongest dislike of summer is not being able to wear boots. I love boots, they're comfy and stylish with not much effort. Pop on a jumper with jeans or a skirt and boots and it looks AMAZING. Perfect for this look would be this vintage button jumper or this glitzy navy and red gem.
4. M A K E A S T A T E M E N T
Quick lazy gal hack - want to look like you've made an effort with your outfit without spending time and energy on it? Easy: dress in one block colour then jazz it up with a funky jumper! These are some of my statement jumper faves:
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5. NO T W O A R E T H E S A M E
Vintage equals unique. Buying a vintage jumper is an investment into a unique, one of a kind item that you can cherish and really make your own. Like a ballet dancer jumper or this 80's abstract jumper.
Let us know how you like to style your vintage jumpers!
Stay Safe ❤️ Elise, Team Mouse
Showing items 1-4 of 4.